Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Moving to Wordpress

For the brand new personal/business blog of SelfReliant, check out

If you'd like to connect to me (Alex Kaufman) on LinkedIn check out my profile at

Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Purpose of the SelfReliant Live Archives

SelfReliant LLC is a tiny, one-person company. It isn't just about me though, even though I hope that it will ultimately reflect well on me, SelfReliant is in itself a learning opportunity for those who observe it. Starting a company is a dynamic and interesting experience. The more that can be shared about that process the better, and ultimately that sharing represents a way for me to reach out to others online.

Unlike companies that agonize over what they can and cannot publish, and who retain highly strategic "marketing teams", I can decide to publish details about SelfReliant's business operations if I please. The hope is that you will benefit from them, and perhaps even provide me with feedback. I can also change my mind, and inform you of why that change was made.

So please watch this blog, subscribe to it if you care about my company and the work it will do. My ideas about everything from educational innovation to the role of independent contractors in economics will no doubt surface here. Some of the other items that I'd like to provide in the archives are:
  • Specific details about how each microbusiness operates so you can attempt to reproduce any successes I have.
  • Comments on website updates at both the OfficeLive, Freewebs, and Google Pages locations.
  • Additions (and subtractions) to (and from) my educational philosophy, business plan, and employee/independent contractor roster.
  • Exciting interactions I'm having with customers, investors, or SelfReliant enthusiasts (if any of them should miraculously materialize.

Of course, the level of transparency represented by the archives and the SelfReliant Live Accounting blog will be unprecedented, so any parties mentioned above will have veto power over information before it's published. Essentially, if you interact with SR and don't mind being mentioned, that's great (and you'll probably be mentioned), and if not, just let me know, and it won't be posted.

Hopefully people will find these archives fun and informative - and perhaps even useful as SelfReliant grows and begins to provide more innovative educational services to Web 2.0 companies and their users.